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“N3trn Not Allocated to Any Project in 2024 Budget, Senator Ningi Insists”

Boom RadioNG | March 12, 2024

In a recent conversation with Senate correspondents, Senator Abdul Ningi, the representative of Bauchi Central in the National Assembly, reiterated his stance that the N3 trillion allocated in the 2024 budget does not have any specific projects tied to it.

Senator Ningi clarified that while the sum of N3 trillion has been included in the budget, its allocation and purpose have not been clearly defined. He denied making statements about the nation operating with two budgets or suggesting any bias against the North by Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“I said we have established without reasonable doubt about 25 trillion so far as nexus in the budget. That means there is money, and then there is project and then there is location. Money, project, location, but we are yet to ascertain three trillion of that budget,” Senator Ningi explained.

Senator Abdul Ningi

He further expressed his readiness to face any consequences, including suspension from the Red Chamber, for his statements. Senator Ningi emphasized that he is not afraid and believes in the transient nature of power. He also highlighted his commitment to serving the people, even if it meant being out of the Senate for eight years before returning.

As the discussions continue regarding the allocation of funds in the 2024 budget, it is crucial to establish transparency and accountability to ensure that every allocated amount is appropriately utilized for the benefit of the nation.

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Written by Boom RadioNG


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