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Tinubu “On Top of Security Issues,” Presidency Rejects Atiku’s “Reckless” Call for Resignation

Boom RadioNG | January 31, 2024

Nigeria’s political scene heated up today as the Presidency swiftly countered ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar’s call for President Bola Tinubu’s resignation over rising insecurity. While Atiku condemned Tinubu’s “fiddling” amidst violence and kidnappings, the Presidency asserted Tinubu’s leadership on security matters, calling Atiku’s remarks “reckless” and politically motivated.

Alhaji Abubakar Atiku, former Vice President and PDP Presidential Candidate

The clash stems from recent kidnappings, including a tragic incident in Abuja, that fueled public anxieties. Atiku, a former rival in the 2023 presidential election, accused Tinubu of neglecting his duties while on a “private visit” to France.

However, the Presidency firmly defended Tinubu’s actions, highlighting his prior announcement of the trip and ongoing communication with officials. They emphasized his recent inauguration of a national minimum wage committee and constant contact with security chiefs, showcasing his commitment to addressing security concerns.

President Tinubu meets with service chiefs

This back-and-forth highlights the ongoing debate on Nigeria’s security challenges and the role of leadership. While Atiku demands decisive action, the Presidency presents a picture of proactive leadership behind the scenes. The public remains divided, and the situation demands continued vigilance and collaboration to overcome this critical issue.

Written by Boom RadioNG


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